Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Manic Months, to say the least

Okay, so I haven't blogged since MARCH..which might I add is a bit insane. But with a little push from all of my blogging friends and there creativity, I decided it was time to let it all hang out again! Plus its a great way to keep up with the girlfriends that I cannot talk to or see everyday, miss you all dearly!

Just a quick catch up post!

From what I remember from April, May and June! They were pretty average months, work, shopping, family time, squeezing in one-on-one time with Mr.Queen Bee during his busiest work months and a fun tubing trip and might I add my first camping trip! That was an say the least! Plus, my beautiful neice won 1st runner up in her FIRST pageant, shes such a doll!

But July took on a whole new approach!  A much awaited week-long vacation with the man of my dreams and our furry son Cooper! We started the vacation on a whim by deciding to drive to Wilmington after work on Thursday, throwing clothes in a suitcase and hitting the road in a little over an hour! Upon on arrival, we checked into the cutest hotel/bed & breakfast the Wilmingtonian, check it out here! I highly recommend it and for all of your families with furry children, its pet friendly! After spending 3 relaxing days in Wilmington, we packed up and headed to Ocean Isle to spend the remainder of our vacation with Mr.Queen Bees sissy, her hubs & a couple of there friends! Little did I know that after patiently waiting or I am sure Mr.Queen Bee would say not so patiently waiting, Mr. Queen Bee finally popped the QUESTION and I can officially say that we are getting married! Yes it is official I am going to become a MRS in January and this definitely put a new spin on things! Plus, in July it became official that our offer was accepted on our first house! Blessing after blessing in July and my head is spinning! With visions of furniture, bridesmaid dresses, dj, ceremony music, amongst a million other things sleeping at night has become an issue and concentrating at work with a million things on my desk plus a million things on my mind has become quite entertaining!

See a couple snapshots from the Queen Bee life and the last few months below!