Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy Anniversary Honey Bee

Mr.Queen Bee & I have "officially" been together for 2 years, as of today! Over the last 2 years, our relationship has encountered many different obstacles, challenges, changes, triumphs, hills, bumps in the road..you know the typical relationship things. With that said, I wouldn't trade the last 2 years of my life for a single thing! Mr.Queen Bee has been my rock, my cheerleader, my shoulder to cry on, my best friend and my lover amongst many other things. Honestly, I truly do not know if I would have survived the last 2 years without Mr.Queen Bee. Now two years in, we are stepping forward into the next phase of our relationship, house buying. We officially have found our dream home, something that we could raise a family in someday and a home Mr.Puppy Bee would be happy with as well. Say a little prayer that we get this house, my entire heart will fall apart if someone gets MY dream home!! With all of that being said, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MR.QUEEN BEE!

My one & only <3
Really good smooches <3

Quite successful at making me smile everyday <3
Unique in many different ways, mainly the collection of _________ lint...<3
Everything I could of ever imagined the love of my life having/being <3
Eyes that I never want to stop staring into <3
Not a single thread away from being perfect <3

Buns <3
Ehehehehe, one silly man <3
Enough to make my heart skip a beat <3



Alright my dear Blog readers, if you could get to me I would SO allow you all to beat me severely for becoming such a slack blogger. I promise to do better, well kind of! haha! Life has been way way way hectic lately for this Queen Bee, which is totally what I signed up for since I am the Queen Bee and all but SEESH! All my busy bee-ness caught up with me last week as I was sick in bed for THREE days, THREE WHOLE DAYS out of work. This is so unheard of in big girl bee world, but thank goodness my boss is a blessing and didn't force me to work..or I would have shed big tears! I was so sick that I didn't even clean the house or do ANY laundry, any of you that know me well, know I must've been on my death bed!

Other than being sick, life has been taken over by...house hunting, working, Velocity Girl practice, more working, a few days at the gym, placing offers on a dream house, spending time with my little family, spending time with my big family, seeing Mr.Queen Bee off on his many work traveling excursions amongst 1000000 other things. But on to the fun things..